Покрытие Electrolube, HPA200HR

Покрытие Electrolube, HPA200HR

Покрытие Electrolube, HPA200HR
Покрытие Electrolube, HPA200HR
Primary Application Category Professional
Product Category Conformal Coating
Conformal Coating Acrylic
Approvals US, MIL
Pack Type Aerosol
Acrylic Conformal Coating, HPA200H

A flexible transparent acrylic coating for the protection of electronic circuitry to meet the highest defence and aerospace standards.

* Excellent adhesion under all climatic conditions
Fluoresces under UV light as an aid to inspection
Resistant to mould growth
Can be totally removed with Ultrasolve
Product is approved to US MIL-1-46058C
Код товара 16211
Производитель Electrolube
Артикул производителя HPA200HR
Условия поставки Склад в Москве
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